transition, once again
I actively blogged between August 2004 and January 2012. Sometime after 2007 the blogoshpere changed drastically. Facebook emerged and transitioned many writers to 140 words and "likes." The interactions on blogger decreased as writers withdrew, and there was more pressure to have a marketing plan for your blog, a defined audience. About this time my writings moved to different blog platforms, trying to create that audience and following. And then I gave up. It was too impersonal. Or TOO personal, I became more guarded with identifying facts and antidotes. My children were getting older and becoming more aware of their place in my writing, censoring me as they entered middle school. I set privacy controls. Then I followed them on to Facebook, initially as a protector and censor. And then on to Twitter and Instagram and other Apps. There were attempts to align the platforms, to form a cohesive image. A few random posts, more transitions, and frustration. Now Google has merged my identity and connected my real life to my blogs.
A full two year gap emerged. In that gap we relocated 2,400 miles across country and my kids graduated high school and moved on to college. Faced with an empty nest, and now the time to return to blogging, here I am. Starting over. Facing a new role in life, much yet to be defined.
Middle Aged Musings will be found on Domestic Zen and Garden Rants on Kel's Garden Journal.
A full two year gap emerged. In that gap we relocated 2,400 miles across country and my kids graduated high school and moved on to college. Faced with an empty nest, and now the time to return to blogging, here I am. Starting over. Facing a new role in life, much yet to be defined.
Middle Aged Musings will be found on Domestic Zen and Garden Rants on Kel's Garden Journal.
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