relocation mania and depression, my emotions have gone bipolar on me

Well, it is that time of year again. We are past the New Year's excitement and passing through the doldrums on our way to spring.

This year has been a bit more depressing than usual with the relocation and all. After passing through the manic pace of the move and the chaotic frenzy of workmen we managed to finish off first semester, glide through the holidays and land smack in the middle of *ohmyfukingawd we live in Indiana now*

We finally received an offer on the Vancouver house and are moving towards a closing date. This looming date magnifies the fact that we now live in Indiana, and {loud booming voice} THERE IS NO GOING BACK.

I am not admitting that I have had several daydreams about leaving Bob, sometimes the children, and moving back to Vancouver. The cat is generally riding shotgun in these adventures, she is the only one who listens to me these days.

No, they admit to hearing the Peanuts waa wa waa wa waa come out of my mouth, and then they laugh.

So, I blog them. 


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